“Delivering Happiness” Comes to Stanford

The Dragonfly movement is based on principles of happiness, and the idea there can be a ripple effect of small acts of kindness leading to big, emotionally contagious change.
Photo of Tony Hsieh presenting 'Delivering Happiness' at Stanford Business School
Tony Hsieh at Stanford Business School
Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos and author of the bestselling book Delivering Happiness, recently delivered a lecture with his partner Jenn Lim from the 3-month Delivering Happiness Across America Bus Tour at my course at Stanford GSB, and shared some key insights about their tour, many of which were aligned with the core concepts of The Dragonfly Effect:

Connect with your audience. Zappos is known for their consumer-centric business model and lively corporate atmosphere, but even more so for their commitment to always being in close contact with customers. Through the Delivering Happiness Bus Tour (which has grown to become it’s own business separate from Zappos) Tony and his team have taken this mission to the streets. The DH bus team has visited cities across the country giving lectures, speaking at schools and businesses, and organizing “Happy Hours,” too (a recent stop in Boulder featured a picnic day equipped with magicians and dueling Balloon Makers). Along the way, they’ve been able to interact with and be inspired by all the people who have come and participated in their planned events, some of whom have traveled many miles, to get face to face with the people who they are trying to reach.

But how have they turned long-lined book signings and sometimes rushed meet and greets into genuine and engaging happy moments? The team decided that each person in line should wear a name tag with one weird thing that makes them happy, serving as a ice breaker for the crowds of people waiting and a fun way for Tony and his team to get to know people in a quick and entertaining way. These kind of ideas are characteristic of Tony’s culture-building ethic: looking to create a little fun and weirdness in everything they do.

Recognize the power of a good story. Zappos and the Delivering Happiness Team knows the power of a good story, and they encourage everyone they meet to share them. Jenn and Tony recounted a story of a woman named Victory traveled 6 hours to Chicago from Hope, Wisconsin to meet the DH team, inspired by their mission and wanting to help out. They also encourage others to share their stories online. Have an anecdote about how you’ve delivered happiness at your own company, in your neighborhood, or just between friends? Share it on their website and they’ll add it to their storybank of people around the country who are “delivering happiness” in their own lives, and help you connect with others who are doing the same. These stories create a powerful personal connection not only between with the brand, but between the people who use it as well. (Read more about the power of storytelling on our blog here).

Leverage social media, but remember that being authentic and real is what really connects people. Social media has been an important tool for Zappos and The Delivering Happiness Team, but the most important piece of being successful is being real and authentic. Focusing on corporate culture from the ground up is what builds the brand and the customer’s loyalty; Twitter feeds and Facebook pages are really just a funnel for their more substantive Core Values, to be authentic, embrace and drive change, build a positive team spirit, and be passionate and determined. In other words, “social media” isn’t where Zappos and the DH team focuses their attention, as much as it serves as a representation of their company’s mission. Their culture is their foundation, and the rest just follows suit.

If you connect with your audience, focus on the power of storytelling, and remember that social media is a powerful medium that can be used to support and amplify your mission, you can make significant changes even without many resources. The trick is being authentic and pursuing clear goals, so that support for your cause can flow naturally from the tone you set for your campaign. By empowering others to be a part of your movement, your mission can grow exponentially.

To check out more on Tony and his team’s Delivering Happiness tour, visit their website at http://www.deliveringhappinessbook.com/. Also, check out their most recent video: