The Power of Happiness – Fast Company Innovation Uncensored


Jennifer is among today’s participants at Fast Company’s Innovation Uncensored.

She’s talking about something we all want to achieve: happiness. First of all she shows that happiness matters, particularly in the workplace. Happy environments are associated with reduced job turnover and absenteeism, greater customer service and better individual job performance.

But more than a how-to session, Jennifer dives into the meaning of happiness, and how it changes over the course of our lives and the lives of those around us. And how while a straight-line pursuit of happiness itself may be futile, a focus on the cultivation of meaning, allowing people to feel part of something worthwhile that is bigger than themselves leads to sustained long-term human, social and financial benefits.

If you missed seeing her speak, I hope you said hello. If you missed seeing her, please accept this slideshare in consolation.

3 Replies to “The Power of Happiness – Fast Company Innovation Uncensored”

  1. Nice one. I liked the emphasis on the story part. It is very powerful idea. Hope Jennifer will build on it and come up with more insights on story’s business impact in the future

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