Giving Back Day 3: Give the Gift of…Giving

Photo of a large pile of wrapper Christmas presentsAround the holidays, you hear people lamenting that they don’t know what to get the “person who has everything.” While gift cards are normally just another form of giving someone “stuff,” this year there’s a new kind of gift card: the gift card! “This is the only card in the world that says the person you are buying it for wants to do good for the world,” said Causes co-founder and Chairman Sean Parker.

Recipients of Causes gift cards can follow three easy steps in allocating their funds to the charitable cause of their choice:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the Causes gift card number from the back of the card
  3. Select a charity of their choice and make a donation

Causes gift cards are available in denominations of $25 and $50 at Safeway and Vons stores across California. To find a Safeway or Vons location near you where Causes gift cards are available, visit

Not in California? Check out Create a Causes Holiday Wish, where over 3,600 people have already leveraged their online networks to promote social change during the holiday season.

Have suggestion for the remaining days of Giving Back? We have a lot of ideas, but we want to hear yours. Let us know in the comments section!